Mobile App

"Przemyśl mobilny/ Przemyśl mobile" - mobile aplication dedicated to mobile devices (tablet/smartphone/iPhone/iPad), which works with most popular operating systems (Android and iOS).


"Przemyśl mobile" is available in both: Polish and English language.

The Application is adjusted to different screen resolutions available in mobile devices (laptop/smatphone/tablet)
Objects in our system were divided into clear categories according to their use (i.e. lodging, boarding, culture and art, sport and recreation), which allows the users to quickly find information where to dine, spend a night, spend free time or how to plan your weekend.

Application will alow you to find information about museums, relics or places worth visiting, and also more practical information like public transportation, pharmacies, medical assistance, post offices, institutions tourist offices or cash machines. All of the above makes the website and application a practical guide for tourists and town residents.

Practical PLANER gives the user an opportunity to choose an interesting attraction by adding particular object/event to the calendar and planning for example a weekend stay in Przemyśl.

The objects also have an added description, contact information, and in most examples pictures.

Moreover each object is equiped with a map what makes locating them a lot easier.

Due to an option „show route” our application will create a digital route to the chosen object.

The portal and the application are systematically updated and new contents are frequently added(i.e. relics descriptions or travel routes). The application user can in any moment receive an update (i.e latest information about parties, sport or tourist events). Additionaly the application will inform the user about possible upgrades every month.

The application works in both online and offline mode. After receiving the application for the first time the user has to access the internet (DSL, WI-FI or Mobile) only to receive an update or to use the navigation system which shows the route to target location.

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